Tournament organizers

Age of Empires content creators

Hi, I'm a Age of Empires player and content creator. Because I find it very difficult for smaller creators (like me) to grow, and for players to find them and get to know them, I thought of creating a platform that could be used as a container for all creators.

If you like this idea, you can help by spreading the voice and share this website.

You don't see a creator that you like? Send me an email and I will add it to the list.

Of course this platform is just at the beginning, plans are to add more useful things.


  • The final version will be realized with Laravel 10 and will be open-sourced on my Github (I just need some time to get things ready)
  • Add a popup to open streams (iframe or similar)
  • Add tags (aoe1de, aoe2de, aoe2ror, etc.)
  • Add platforms and allow to search by platforms (for now: Twitch, Youtube, Facebook)
  • Connect with APIs from major platforms to get the number of subscribers for each channel/stream and to allow users to receive notifications when a creator goes live
  • Allowing visitors and creators to register and login
  • Creators will be able to create their profile page and customize it a bit
  • Visitors will be able to build a list of favorite creators
  • Possibly, add a chat system (but this is of minor priority for now)